Thursday, 16 February 2012

School Projects

This week has been hectic.  I guest posted on Netmums, which I was really excited about, and my kids have been home all week, so I’ve been up to my ears arranging their social activities.

Today, my youngest was out all day with a friend, which gave me some valuable time with my eldest.  And as he has a few ongoing school projects to complete, I decided that it would be a good opportunity to get them under way.

I had forgotten just how relaxing and therapeutic it can be to just ‘colour in’…!  And I hope that the maths teacher isn’t suspicious of the intricate designs on the 3D shapes we had to make… Sorry…. That my child had to make!

And so we moved on to the English project.  A subject after my own heart! 

It’s a poetry project.  They have been asked to produce 20 poems – two of which they must write themselves.  Well, I was in my element.  And that’s when I remembered an incident long ago, which I had forgotten all about…

And before I go on, I would like to make it clear that I was NOT naughty at school.  I may have had imagination and curiosity in seismic proportions, but there was never any malice in my behaviour. 

One week at secondary school, we were asked to produce a limerick.  Much to my delight, I discovered I had a bit of a ‘gift’ for it.  Unfortunately, this ‘gift’ and my enthusiasm, combined to motivate a whole raft of limericks all about the teachers in our school.  I gave the limericks to a school friend to read (she loved them!), but unfortunately she was careless and her mother (was coincidentally my English teacher) found them.

I will never forget that feeling, of the blood draining from my face, when my mother received ‘the call’.  All future playdates with my friend were permanently cancelled.  I was in disgrace.  And what upset me the most, was that no one seemed to appreciate my literary genius!

And so, to set the record straight… I’ve decided to charm and delight you with just a couple of quick ones…  off the top of my head… OK… here goes….

There was a young woman called Lara
Whose divorce was a cruel disaster
It took her three years
And she shed lots of tears
But life’s looking much better after.

There was a young man from Lower Slaughter
Whose wife had run off with their daughter
So he had it away
Several times every day
With a woman he really shouldn’t ought’a.

As you can see… it’s pure genius.  How I have not yet been ‘discovered’ is a mystery!

Tomorrow night, I am out with Julian and his partner.  We are going to paint the town red.  I will report back in full…!!!

Night all…

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