I have always been conscious
that no one ever really knows what goes on behind closed doors, but very
recently, I had an insight into a household where there is alcoholism and
domestic violence.
And it was not a happy
It has been obvious
for a long time that the friend concerned is deeply unhappy. The trust and love has gone. Her life is a rollercoaster. When the husband is not ‘acting up’,
she can just about cope, but when he decides to, he makes her life miserable.
As we sat round my
friend’s kitchen table, eating supper, chaos ensued. The kids acting up, in reaction to their parents’ situation;
the husband in and out of the room, telling his wife and I that we ‘don’t need
to whisper’.
I won’t go into the
details, but it was mayhem. And I
didn’t know whether it would be better if I stayed or left. All I wanted was to know that my friend
would be safe.
As I sat opposite her,
whilst her husband was out of the room, discussing her husband’s controlling
behaviour, I looked at her face.
And I couldn’t work out what she wanted me to say to her.
So as ‘honesty’ is
allegedly the ‘best policy’ – I said that the whole evening was not
normal. That this craziness does
not go on in every house. And most
importantly, that it was affecting the children.
I have to admit, even
though she knows it’s true, I think she wanted to be told and possibly even
wanted to believe: ‘don’t worry, it’ll sort itself out – everything will be
fine’. But of course, it wont.
Having witnessed an
evening of craziness, I can’t even explain how relieved I was when I received
an email from her this week, attaching a reply from a charity that helps women
suffering from domestic violence and alcoholic partners.
In addition, my friend
has got in touch with a counsellor, who I hope will help her regain her
confidence, take control and save herself from the situation. Because as much as I want to help, I am
fully aware that she has to do it for herself. With support from her friends, of course, but the decisions
have to be hers and hers alone.
I was hugely
encouraged by the long message she received from the women’s charity she
approached. It was sympathetic and
supportive and they have offered her help.
I just hope she
reaches out and takes it.
The role of responsible alcohol retailing and training programs is to ensure the safety of people who take alcohol and for the retailers to limit their customers with drinking and providing information also about alcoholic drinks.